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dcalsky 最近回复了
13 天前
回复了 tsja 创建的主题 上海 春节去上海玩 5 天合适吗?
@gpt5 <-- 人家在反串你们看不出来,还认真了( doge
Q: How many "r" comes in the "rrrrrrabbrritrr"


To solve this problem, we need to count the number of "bbrritrr" in the given string. Let's break it down step by step:

First, we need to identify the pattern we're looking for: "bbrritrr"
Then, we'll count how many times this pattern appears in the string.
Let's count:

"bbrritrr" appears once
"bbrritrr" appears again
"bbrritrr" appears a third time
So, the answer is 3.

Reflection: Wait, I made a mistake in my counting. Let me double-check the string:


I was correct in my initial count. There are indeed 3 occurrences of "bbrritrr" in the string.

Therefore, the correct answer is 3.

There are 3 "bbrritrr" in the given string.
171 天前
回复了 Knuth 创建的主题 生活 上班途中惊险闯灯,至今惊魂未定
https://fast.v2ex.com/t/689751 看看这个帖子,来自 2020 年的感悟。
没感觉到。加个微信吧,下次感到头晕直接 v 我
205 天前
回复了 dwu8555 创建的主题 旅行 能一个人坐 K3 火车去俄罗斯玩吗?
@mangoDB 不搞了
212 天前
回复了 dwu8555 创建的主题 旅行 能一个人坐 K3 火车去俄罗斯玩吗?
226 天前
回复了 naturekingfree 创建的主题 Flutter flutter 开发用什么工具
根据我的观察,flutter 还是用 vscode 写的人多
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