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286 天前
回复了 coter 创建的主题 分享创造 Top.tools 更新啦,免费提交,免费收录
please make some effort to seo, i can't search it with specific task keyword
n1 istoreos
343 天前
回复了 AlohaV2 创建的主题 问与答 自学钢琴可行么
not recommend. get a teacher
350 天前
回复了 KevinDo2 创建的主题 健康 各位有颈椎方面的困扰吗?
@monkey110 months ago, I learned I have same symptom. It was very uncomfortable. I got massages treatment four times, held standing poses at work, and hung from a high bar daily to stretch my body. It helped
personal finance sucks. There's little chance to return to this high income for years.
how about sftp server stand alone, such as sftpgo
364 天前
回复了 haer2829 创建的主题 Java 想找一个 Java 后端师傅带我
7 years c/cpp in game industry. 7 years java in fintech. feel free to ask me anything, i am glad to help
2024-03-06 13:13:32 +08:00
回复了 victoryc 创建的主题 问与答 求推荐:适合财务服务公司的客户信息自助更新系统
an online form service with payment function
seagate green 4T prices at 600 yuan in JD. therefore i think it's affordable to purchase 488 yuan cloud service for 2 years of use.
2024-02-23 21:58:39 +08:00
回复了 James369 创建的主题 服务器 新手请教如何构建 低成本又可靠防损坏 的存储服务器?
2 locations 3 servers, each server has copy.
2024-02-20 09:23:36 +08:00
回复了 dc2002007 创建的主题 职场话题 35 岁是 crud 的门槛还是所有技术从业者的门槛?
@dc2002007 i agree with @rocketer
2024-02-20 09:07:45 +08:00
回复了 dc2002007 创建的主题 职场话题 35 岁是 crud 的门槛还是所有技术从业者的门槛?
Programming involves input, processing, and output. Mostly, businesses are based on data flow, and their processes are relatively simple, which is why they are called "curd model" . However, there is another type of programs that involves complex and difficult algorithms and generates new output. These people are often referred to as "makers" or "hackers".
有点 FAAS 的意思
玩了一下,挺有意思。这个 flow 编辑器和执行器,是不是有 open source 的项目?我也想本地搞一套玩玩。
2017-01-09 22:15:10 +08:00
回复了 Kilerd 创建的主题 问与答 几个自己的网站,怎么统一登录。
2016-11-20 19:36:47 +08:00
回复了 xiaozhizhu1997 创建的主题 生活 国有银行都是铁饭碗?
2016-07-22 14:25:27 +08:00
回复了 michael2016 创建的主题 SSL 12306,你在乎一个证书的钱么? https://kyfw.12306.cn/
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