Finally, for aliases that you use often it's best to add a page alias. For example, you might want the link [[PKM]] to point to the page Personal Knowledge Management. To do this, add the following in the first block of the page Personal Knowledge Management: alias:: PKM Now, anytime you click a [[PKM]] link, you'll end up on the Personal Knowledge Management page.
比如我创建了一个 page1 ,我想把 page1 别名简写成 p1 是不是我只要在 page1 第一个块里面写 page1:alias::p1 但是我这样操作好像无效,[[p1]]会到新空白页面
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Al0rid4l 2023-07-14 19:27:29 +08:00
比如一个标题为 Node 的 page, 第一行 alias:: Nodejs Nodejs 前面一个空格 |
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BeforeTooLate OP @Al0rid4l 感谢,我去试试。