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[外企招聘][成都] 自动化测试工程师 Automation Testing Engineer / contractor

  •   wxiao333 · 2 天前 · 704 次点击
    [注意] 此岗位为远程,工作时间与国内一致,无加班,如果 base 在成都可以偶尔来办公室有加分,contractor 合同工,签约至 25 年底,后续视项目情况决定是否续约。雇主为 500 强外企。
    薪资 20k RMB 左右,优秀者可谈 ,与海外公司直接签约,需要自己缴纳保险。介意者请勿投递!!!

    • Work with Product Owner and scrum team members, come up with Test Plan and implement testing in an Agile iterative release cycle.
    • Ensure the platform meets the highest standards of quality, preventing defects and performance issues that could impact customer satisfaction.
    • contribute to on-time project delivery by identifying and resolving issues early in the development cycle.
    • Develop and maintain automated test suites/scripts based on diverse requirements.
    • Integrate automated testing into the software development process to enhance efficiency and reliability.
    • Take ownership of in-sprint testing and regression testing, ensuring thorough coverage and timely delivery.
    • help maintain our competitive edge by delivering a reliable, high-performance product to our customers.

    Educational Requirement:
    • Undergraduate Diploma or higher in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field.
    Your Qualifications and Skills:
    • Strong programming skills in Python.
    • 4+ years of experience in quality assurance, with a focus on automation and performance testing.
    • Proficiency in testing tools and frameworks (e.g., Selenium, pytest, JMeter).
    • Experience with API testing and tools (e.g., Postman, REST Assured).
    • Familiarity with relational databases (MySQL/Oracle).
    • Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
    • Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work in a fast-paced, agile environment.
    • Strong interpersonal skills, openness to new technologies, and a proactive learning attitude.
    • Good communication skill in English language

    Nice-to-have Skills:
    • Experience with PostgreSQL.
    • Knowledge of cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure) and containerization (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes).
    • Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and tools (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab CI).
    • Basic knowledge of Jenkins.
    • Experience in cloud service operations and code testing.

    - 与产品负责人和 Scrum 团队成员合作,制定测试计划,并在敏捷迭代发布周期内实施测试。
    - 确保平台达到最高质量标准,防止出现可能影响客户满意度的缺陷和性能问题。
    - 通过在开发周期早期发现并解决问题,促进项目按时交付。
    - 根据不同需求开发并维护自动化测试套件/脚本。
    - 将自动化测试整合到软件开发流程中,以提高效率和可靠性。
    - 负责内部测试和回归测试,确保全面覆盖和及时交付。
    - 通过向客户提供可靠、高性能的产品,帮助保持我们的竞争优势。

    - 计算机科学、工程或相关专业本科及以上学历。
    - 较强的 Python 编程技能。
    - 4 年以上质量保证经验,侧重于自动化和性能测试。
    - 熟练掌握测试工具和框架(如 Selenium 、pytest 、JMeter )。
    - 具有 API 测试和工具(如 Postman 、REST Assured )方面的经验。
    - 熟悉关系数据库( MySQL/Oracle )。
    - 解决问题的能力强,注重细节。
    - 出色的沟通和协作技能,能够在快节奏、敏捷的环境中工作。
    - 较强的人际交往能力、对新技术的开放性以及积极主动的学习态度。
    - 良好的英语沟通能力

    - 具有使用 PostgreSQL 的经验。
    - 熟悉云平台(如 AWS 、Azure )和容器化(如 Docker 、Kubernetes )。
    - 熟悉 CI/CD 管道和工具(如 Jenkins 、GitLab CI )。
    - 掌握 Jenkins 的基本知识。
    - 具有云服务运营和代码测试经验。

    1. 满足上述技术条件,可以为此岗位全职工作
    2. 英文可作为工作语言,请在邮件中详述自己的英语水平
    3. 此岗位远程办公,用工性质为 全职 contractor 合同工,签约至 25 年底,后续视项目情况决定是否续约。
    薪资 20k RMB 左右,优秀者可谈 与海外公司直接签约,需要自己缴纳保险。介意者请勿投递!!!

    简历请投递至 eGlhb0BjaGluYWdyYXZ5LmNvbQ== 简历中请附上您的微信
    2 条回复    2025-03-11 19:38:41 +08:00
       1 天前
    找到人了吗 老哥
       1 天前
    @qianss0727ace 没有呢 欢迎投递
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