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12 天前
回复了 gabri 创建的主题 Apple iOS 中孩子家庭账户绕过屏幕使用时间的方法
@bao3 通过家庭共享创建的儿童账号,在开启了屏幕使用时间限制的设备上是禁止登出 iCloud 的
HealthKit data is not available while the device is locked. You can start your HKObserverQuery while locked, but you will not receive callbacks and, if you are using background delivery, your app will not be launched for new data until the device unlocks and the Health database is available.
40 天前
回复了 radishzz 创建的主题 Apple iPhone 维修分享,国行变欧版
神奇,我的 iPhone 14 Pro 曾经遇到了极为相似的问题

- Customer reports device overheats when using both wired and MagSafe charging
- device also has cellular connectivity issues, where it will appear as ‘Searching’
- customer reports cellular issue occurs after device starts overheating, on charge, and being used for personal hotspot
- issue occurs with both eSim and physical SIM card

Steps to Reproduce:
- ran Mobile resource inspector passed, software is up to date
- ran cellular rf test passed
- ran cellular voice and results show issue could be caused by network issues with carrier, or low cellular coverage in environment, 14 day summary shows 1% not in service
- issue was reproduced in store after device was put on charge, using 5G, personal hotspot activated, customer was taking photos, and ‘No Service’ came up for 5 minutes, following that the device switched to 4G and after a minute it switched to 5G

- performed restore on device and set up as new. Tested out same conditions, with phone being on charge, with customer’s e-sim using personal hotspot, taking photos with device. Tested out with known good SIM card with same conditions, and issue persists with the same pattern

Cosmetic Condition:
- display has screen protector no notable damage
- rear no notable damage
- Liquid contact indicator not triggered
- security screws intact
- front camera no notable damage
- rear camera no notable damage

Proposed Resolution:
- proposed to do rear system repair on device at no cost covered by warranty
- customer has backup through iCloud and will reactive his eSim if needed
112 天前
回复了 qdwang 创建的主题 macOS 请教一下,目前 mac 玩 win 游戏的最佳姿势
用 iPad 当唯一显示器是可行的,需要一个 usb-c 口的采集卡 + hdmi 线 + 相关 app (比如 Orion). 比真正的显示器有一定延迟,但比 sidecar 要流畅稳定。
139 天前
回复了 julyclyde 创建的主题 iPhone 昨天发现钉钉居然支持 CarPlay
@julyclyde 还好,光标放在 mute 按钮上,用中控台的实体按钮来 mute / unmute, 完全不需要看屏幕
139 天前
回复了 julyclyde 创建的主题 iPhone 昨天发现钉钉居然支持 CarPlay
@msdurex 还好我只用 teams 开会,mac 上只需要用浏览器打开。他们的 app 在哪个平台都是垃圾。
139 天前
回复了 julyclyde 创建的主题 iPhone 昨天发现钉钉居然支持 CarPlay
152 天前
回复了 JeffyChen 创建的主题 Apple safari 作为主浏览器体验如何?
过去十几年平时几乎只用 Safari, 很少遇到问题,遇到了就临时使用 Edge. (很少访问国内网站)
156 天前
回复了 orangy 创建的主题 Apple iPhone 快捷指令如何仅获取月份
@orangy 前面需要加上 "Current Date" 命令,作为 Format Date 的输入
157 天前
回复了 orangy 创建的主题 Apple iPhone 快捷指令如何仅获取月份
165 天前
回复了 mokafei 创建的主题 macOS mac 上就没有一个置顶软件的方案吗?
MacVim 支持。可以通过系统键盘设置给 "Stay in Front" / "Stay Level Normal" 绑定快捷键
@mintor27 80% 限制开的比较多。MagSafe 用的少,大部分时间都是用线
226 天前
回复了 calvinclark 创建的主题 Apple 说出你被苹果背刺最狠的故事,我先来
做了一个可以隐藏 App 的工具,之后经历了多次审核被拒、被要求改名,不允许宣传「隐藏 App 」,然后在 wwdc 2024 上亲自下场。https://i.v2ex.co/L55IElpWl.jpeg
Settings app → Keyboard → Input Sources → Edit → All Input Sources → Use smart quotes and dashes
@Sivan 应该是为了合规。《生成式人工智能服务安全基本要求》
@1145148964 这是 iOS 系统的限制
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